Cancel Transaction
How to Cancel a Transaction
At Artefacts Limited, we understand that sometimes things change, and you may need to cancel your order. To cancel a transaction, simply follow these easy steps:
- Log in to your account on our website
- Go to your order history
- Find the order you wish to cancel
- Click on the "Cancel" button
- Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process
Cancellation Policy
Customers can ask to cancel an order within 3 business days after purchase for full refund if the order paid . So the buyer must contact us within 3 business days if he/she wants to cancel the order. In the case the buyer didn't pay the order within 3 business days, then we will cancel the order.
If the order paid and already shipped after 3 business days then the buyer asked to cancel the order, in this situation our return back policy applied.
Welcome contact us if you need assistance
Initiating a Cancellation Request
If you have any questions about the cancellation process or need assistance, you can contact us via email, phone, or WhatsApp to initiate a cancellation request.
Need to Cancel a Transaction?
If you need to cancel an order, we're here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us to get started.