Welcome to Artefacts Limited's Best Offers

Explore our specially curated collection of ancient artefacts and collectibles. From Ancient Greek and Roman coins to Byzantine artefacts, we offer a wide range of unique pieces that tell a rich historical story. 
Best offers and more discounts available 

Welcome contact us through WhatsApp or email with the number and the title of each item to offer best offers and discounts before you purchase to revise the price if it's possible 

Now if you interested in item you want us to the revise the price for your best offer press below see details, on the left corner you can see the number of the item, for example:Number G01 refers to Silver Tetradrachm Alexander The Great , then send us the number and the title of the item with your best offer by email or WhatsApp to revise the price, you can also make screenshots and send it to us to identify the item you wish to revise the price according to your best offer if it's possible 

We use categories for each item 

Category G means Greek coins 

Category R means Roman coins 

Category B means Byzantine coins 

Category A means Artefacts like Sculptures, Pottery, Old Oil lamps..........

Category C means other Collectables 

For more help just contact us through email or WhatsApp 

Exclusive Artefact Showcases

Join us at our exclusive events and showcases where we unveil rare artefacts with rich historical significance. Immerse yourself in the stories behind each piece as we bring history to life.

Custom Artefact Sourcing

Can't find a specific artefact you're looking for? Our team offers custom artefact sourcing to help you find the perfect piece for your collection. Let us assist you in uncovering unique treasures from history.